Diamond Audio will be exhibiting at the upcoming 2017 MERA KnowledgeFest in Dallas, Texas. All attendees are welcome to stop by Booth #109 as Diamond Audio showcases its series of products for 2017 while also giving a glimpse of what is to come for next year.
In addition, industry veteran Larry Frederick, Director of New Product Development and Training for Diamond Audio will present a training session titled “Marine/Motorcycles/UTV Applications and Higher Profits For You”. In this seminar, attendees will learn about the new innovative Motorsport series of products from Diamond Audio and how it can positively impact your current and future business. Installation tips and advice for improved sound quality and obtaining maximum performance of Motorsport series products in all applications will be discussed.
“This seminar will be a fun learning experience as we venture out of traditional 12V application and explore the growing opportunities outside of just car audio. I will also discuss Bluetooth technology and how you can turn this product category into another profit center for your business”, adds Larry. The training seminar will be held on Saturday, August 12th, 2017 from 6:00PM - 7:00PM. It will be held in the Katy Trail meeting room at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.
To obtain more information about Diamond Audio, please contact our sales and support staff at 213-261-4161 or visit online at www.diamondaudio.com.
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